LR Group
LR Group is at the forefront of international development, turning vision into ideas, ideas into action, and action into long-term impact.
By empowering people, we enable them to fulfill their potential and to make the most of land, skills, and natural resources, thereby helping whole communities thrive. We have established a track record of prosperous, sustainable projects in more than twenty countries over the last three decades.
LR Group has been operating worldwide in the initiation, development, financing, construction, and management of medium and large-scale projects in high-growth economies. Our experienced teams specialize in Agriculture, Water, Energy & Power, Telecom, Health, and Construction.
Known as the “Start-Up Nation,” Israel is famous for applying innovation and out-of-the-box thinking to revolutionize the agriculture field. LR brings that mindset and technology to rural areas around the world. Advanced, centralized farming offers the economic advantages of large-scale enterprises to those who have never had access to them before. By integrating technology, know-how, experience, and training with economies of scale, projects can become the catalyst for intensive economic growth. Their wide-reaching impact strengthens food security, livelihoods, and overall progress.
The telecommunication sector is undergoing rapid changes. These developments are driven by increasing competition and technological advances, including the convergence of telecoms, IT, and broadcast, technologies that are rapidly opening up new opportunities. By using telecom networks, the internet has the potential to radically influence business practices and the way communities learn, shop, communicate, and participate in modern society.
LR understands that different types of communities around the world have different needs and strives to provide the best care for each. This means honing the skills required to bring polyclinics to peripheral areas as well as to create efficient, cutting-edge hospitals that can serve thousands of people every day. The outpatient polyclinics provide first-response healthcare in remote areas that have limited access to large hospitals. Meanwhile, large population centers require advanced medical centers with innovative technology. LR makes sure that these facilities are well-equipped and staffed by experienced managers and medical professionals who have been given intensive training at the top institutions around the world.
Energy & Power
By facing challenges hand in hand with local communities and partner organizations, the LR Energy division has completed projects in high-growth economies around the world. A dependable, continuous electricity solution is a community’s first step before taking a great leap into the future. We help to provide the sustainable infrastructures that form the basis of this vital development.
Construction & Infrastructure
LR’s Construction & Infrastructure division has conquered challenging and diverse projects around the world, providing experienced, expert construction services with a unique focus on the local environment and culture.
A reliable water supply goes well beyond ensuring drinking water and sanitation. It is the key to health, food security, energy access, and a safe industry. LR’s water division is doing its part to promote global access to safe water and to agricultural development by providing tailor-made integrated solutions that are environmentally friendly from the source to the end-user.