Kosher Market Big Opportunity for Filipino Food Exporters
More Filipino food exporters are rushing to have their kosher certification, recognizing that kosher is now a multi-billion-dollar global market that is growing annually by 8 to 10 percent.

US supermarket. (photo credit:ILLUSTRATIVE: REUTERS)
Joel Weinberger, Star-K Certification Inc.’s Head of Operations in India and Southeast Asia, said a kosher certification is a high-level third-party certification process that’s an effective tool to promote a brand or business worldwide. Doing so gives exporters access to a wider market, making their products more desirable and profitable. Once products such as Philippine snacks, fruits, and ingredients get certified, the company can sell them to international kosher food consumers without any problem.
Loyal Consumers Buoy Demand
A loyal consumer base, mostly in the US and Israel, drives the worldwide demand for Kosher-certified products. Acceptance of these and other growing markets around the world support the demand.
Moreover, kosher products are important to Muslims, on top of the Jewish population, as the former follow similar dietary restrictions.
Not All Jewish
Tonette Salazar, the Country Manager of PS Kosher Food Works Philippines, revealed that only 20% of the total kosher consumer market are Jewish. Surprisingly, the bulk of buyers come from Seventh Day Adventists, Muslims, people with gluten allergies, and the general consumer population.
“Kosher appears (to be) a unique sector with very special religious and cultural requirements, similar to Halal but not quite the same except for both refusing to eat or use pork,” she added, in an interview.
Kosher Certification May Be Suspended
Star-K, an international leader in Kosher certification, reminds certified companies to follow guidelines in manufacturing and processing products at all times. Otherwise, their certificates may be suspended, or the renewal disapproved. Kosher buyers may also check via a verification tool if the manufacturers of their products are still certified. Some buyers require an updated Kosher Letter of Certification from suppliers.
Star-K Certification has helped companies across the world with multiple plants, locations, and operations employ uniform standards in implementing a kosher programme. It assists them with global acceptance, competitive pricing, and label sharing.