ICCP Supports DTI EMB Trade Mission to Israel
The Israel Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ICCP) is supporting the Export Marketing Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Philippine Trade and Innovation Exploratory Mission to Israel from November 5 to 14. At least 10 companies and business organizations are participating in the trade mission.

In Photo: The Philippine delegation with Ambassador of Israel to the Philippines Effie Ben Matityau.
The trade mission aims to explore prospects for Filipino exporters of food, electronics, semiconductors and information and communications technology, as well as learn from Israel’s innovation ecosystem.
Israel registered as the Philippines’s 36th-largest-export partner with a total value of $57.14 million in 2016, according to Tradeline Philippines. It was a significant jump from its 45th rank in 2015 valued at $46.23 million.
The DTI-EMB is expecting more business and investment opportunities for Filipino enterprises to open as a result of the trade mission, paving the way for further growth in Philippine exports to Israel and greater cooperation between the two countries.
The highlights of the travel itinerary are the country presentations and business-matching sessions with the Jerusalem Chamber of Commerce, Haifa Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce and Israel-Asia Chamber of Commerce.
Assistant Secretary Rafaelita M. Aldaba of the DTI Industry Development and Trade Policy Group, Assistant Director Agnes Perpertua R. Legaspi of DTI-EMB and Division Chief Rafaelita C. Castro of DTI-EMB Market Innovation Division will lead the Philippine delegation. ICCP will be represented by President Itamar Gero.
The trade mission is supported by the Embassy of the Philippines in Tel Aviv and the Embassy of Israel in Manila.
Source: https://businessmirror.com.ph/dti-emb-to-conduct-trade-mission-to-israel/