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Most Spectech Ltd.

Most Spectech Ltd.

Product/ Company Information:

Description of Offer
Our company, which was established in 2018, has developed a multi-shot electroshock
device, designed to incapacitate an aggressive attacker without causing irreversible
damage to health and life.
The ECD MAGEN is protected by 8 patents and was developed based on the advantages
and disadvantages of existing technologies and operational requirements of the security

Key features and advantages:
• 5 SHOTS- Allows to neutralize as many as 5 targets without recharging
• Cable detaching – Allows quick movement in different directions
• Timer control – Provides control over electric impulse duration. Prevents excessive force
exertion Safety
• Easy to operate – the device can be handled by both left and right hand.

The company is currently working with law enforcements in Israel and is now looking for a
local agents in Africa with access to Law enforcements, or Government Ministries in charge
of: HLS, Transportation, Ports, etc.

Interested in doing business in: Philippines


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