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Regavim Alim Yerukim

Regavim Alim Yerukim

Product/ Company Information:

We are a fourth generation of farmers in Israel. We believe in crops from good soil and the
agricultural products it provides: premium, fresh and quality products.
We specialize in growing fresh herbs, spices, and leafy greens .
Our line of products is based on the produce we grow, local procurement and independent
import .
We distribute country-wide fresh supplies of various kinds to the largest supermarket
chains, stores, markets, etc.
We are seeking new suppliers, growers, and distributors to expand our product range,
specifically focusing on fresh mushrooms, blueberries, pineapples, apples, endives, grapes,
kiwi, and shallots.

Interested in doing business in: Philippines
Activity: Mushrooms, Blueberries, Pineapples, Apples, Endives, Grapes, Kiwi, Shallots


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